Animal whose singular and plural forms are the same

Are you a crossword puzzle enthusiast looking for a challenge? Today’s clue is a unique one – the answer is an animal whose singular and plural forms are exactly the same. If you enjoy word games and want to test your knowledge of the animal kingdom, this crossword clue is perfect for you. Get ready to put your thinking cap on and see if you can crack this intriguing puzzle. Stay tuned for the solution to this clever crossword clue!

Are you stumped by a crossword clue related to animals? Look no further! This puzzle will test your knowledge of creatures big and small. Can you guess the animal whose singular and plural forms are identical? Put your skills to the test and see if you can solve this tricky clue. Happy puzzling!
Animal whose singular and plural forms are the same

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: NY Times Crossword 29 Mar 24, Friday