Anonymous creator of a painting sold at auction that subsequently shredded itself

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking to challenge your brain with a new puzzle? In today’s crossword clue, we delve into the art world’s infamous incident involving a painting that stunned the world when it self-destructed after being sold at an auction. This mysterious creator, known for their audacious stunt, left both spectators and art aficionados in awe and disbelief.

If you enjoy unraveling cryptic mysteries and unlocking the secrets behind notable events, this crossword clue is sure to intrigue and entertain you. Test your knowledge and see if you can piece together the identity of the anonymous artist behind this unforgettable piece of art history. Put your thinking cap on and get ready to solve this intriguing crossword clue that will challenge your wits and creativity.
Anonymous creator of a painting sold at auction that subsequently shredded itself

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: NY Times Crossword 12 Mar 24, Tuesday