crossword puzzle clues

Bottom part of a plant or tooth

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking to challenge your skills with a new puzzle? In today’s post, we’re going to tackle a common crossword clue that might stump even the most seasoned solvers. This clue pertains to the bottom part of a plant or tooth, requiring a specific botanical or dental term to unlock the answer.

Crossword puzzles are a fantastic way to keep your mind sharp and test your knowledge on a wide range of topics. Whether you enjoy solving them solo or with a group of friends, decoding the clever wordplay behind each clue can provide hours of entertainment and satisfaction.

So, if you’re ready to put your crossword-solving skills to the test, stay tuned as we reveal the strategy and logic behind deciphering this particular clue. Get your thinking caps on and let’s dive into the world of crossword puzzles together!

Available Answers:

Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Daily Celebrity Crossword – 2/19/24 Movie Monday

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