Concerned with seeing dilapidated coal pit (7)

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking to challenge your puzzle-solving skills? Today we have a new crossword clue that will put your word knowledge to the test. This clue is seven letters long and will require you to think creatively to uncover the hidden word. If you enjoy unraveling cryptic hints and unlocking the secrets of each puzzle, then this is the perfect crossword clue for you.

So grab your pencil, sharpen your mind, and prepare to tackle this intriguing clue. Whether you’re a seasoned solver or just starting out, this crossword clue is sure to provide a fun and engaging challenge. Stay tuned as we reveal the answer later in the post. Happy puzzling!
Concerned with seeing dilapidated coal pit (7)

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Metro Cryptic Crossword Clues Tuesday, 26 March 2024