Crafty press agent, or a hint to the word scrambled in each starred clue’s answer

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a challenge? Today’s puzzle involves unraveling the hidden message within the starred clues. This crossword clue brings a fun twist to the usual solving experience by incorporating a scrambled word within certain answers. Get ready to put your detective skills to the test as you uncover the crafty press agent’s secret message! Let’s dive into the grid and see if you can crack the code.

Stay tuned as we reveal the solution to this unique crossword clue and unravel the mystery hidden within the scattered letters. Happy solving!

Are you a fan of crossword puzzles? Today’s challenge involves uncovering a hidden message within the starred clues. Find out how a crafty press agent plays a role in revealing the scrambled word in each answer. Can you crack the code and solve this intriguing crossword clue? Let’s unravel the mystery together!
Crafty press agent, or a hint to the word scrambled in each starred clue's answer

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Daily Boston Globe Crossword Tuesday, 27 February 2024