Fuel that typically has an octane of 91 or higher

Are you a crossword puzzle enthusiast looking for a challenging clue to solve? Look no further! In this post, we explore a crossword clue that revolves around a common topic – fuel octane levels. If you enjoy filling in those boxes with words that stump you, this clue is sure to pique your interest.

Crossword puzzles are a fantastic way to exercise your brain and improve your vocabulary while having fun. Whether you engage in them to pass the time or as a mental challenge, this clue will test your knowledge of fuels and their octane ratings. So grab your pen or pencil, get ready to unravel the mystery, and fill in the blanks to complete the grid. Stay tuned as we delve into the world of crossword clues and provide you with a hint that will keep you on your toes!
Fuel that typically has an octane of 91 or higher

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Washington Post Crossword Wednesday, March 6, 2024