Groove (3)

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking to challenge your brain with some tricky clues? Look no further! In today’s blog post, we are going to tackle a crossword clue that will test your vocabulary and wordplay skills. This three-letter clue will have you thinking outside the box to find the perfect answer.

Crossword puzzles are a great way to pass the time while also enhancing your problem-solving abilities. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s always a new challenge waiting for you in the world of crosswords.

So, grab a pencil and get ready to dive into the world of crossword clues. Can you crack the code and find the solution to this intriguing clue? Put your thinking cap on and let’s get started! Happy puzzling!
Groove (3)

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Metro Quick Tuesday, 12 March 2024