Head covering worn by a food service worker

Are you a puzzle enthusiast looking for your next challenge? Well, get ready to put your skills to the test with today’s crossword clue! In this puzzle, we’ll be exploring the theme of “head covering worn by a food service worker.” This clue will have you thinking about various items that can be worn by those in the food industry to keep their hair secure and hygienic.

To find out the solution to this clue and complete the crossword, you’ll need to put your knowledge and deduction skills to work. So grab your pen or pencil, get comfortable, and prepare to unravel the mystery behind this head covering. Once you crack this clue, you’ll be one step closer to completing the entire crossword puzzle and claiming victory!

So, without further ado, let’s dive into this challenging crossword clue and see if you have what it takes to solve it. Good luck!
Head covering worn by a food service worker

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Daily Celebrity Crossword – 4/8/24 Movie Monday