Jelly made from seaweed (4)

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a challenge? Today’s crossword clue is a four-letter word that will test your knowledge of culinary delights. In this particular clue, you’ll need to think outside the box and consider an unconventional ingredient for making jelly.

Whether you’re a seasoned solver or a newbie to the world of crosswords, this clue is sure to pique your interest and get your brain gears turning. So grab a pen and get ready to dive into the world of crossword puzzles as you attempt to unravel the mystery behind this seaweed-based jelly.

Stay tuned for the solution to this intriguing crossword clue, and be sure to check out our blog for more crossword challenges and brain teasers to keep you entertained for hours on end. Happy solving!
Jelly made from seaweed (4)

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: –Quick crossword No 16,815
Quick crossword No 16,815