Kid-lit character who tells his ailing friend, “Today you look very green, even for a frog”

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a challenge? We have a new crossword clue for you to ponder! This clue focuses on a popular kid-lit character who offers a witty observation to his unwell companion. Join us as we explore the world of children’s literature through this intriguing crossword clue. Can you solve it and unravel the identity of this beloved character? Stay tuned as we delve into the realm of books and characters in search of the solution to this entertaining puzzle. Get ready to test your knowledge and have fun along the way with this engaging crossword clue!
Kid-lit character who tells his ailing friend, “Today you look very green, even for a frog”

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: NY Times Crossword 26 Mar 24, Tuesday