Old athlete running backwards in US, New Orleans (5)

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a challenge? Today, we have an intriguing crossword clue for you to decipher. This clue will test your knowledge and vocabulary skills while providing a fun and engaging opportunity to exercise your brain.

In this crossword puzzle, you’ll encounter a five-letter word that hints at an old athlete running backwards in the lively city of New Orleans, located in the United States. As you ponder this clue, consider the possible words that fit the description and how they might relate to the hint provided. With some strategic thinking and a bit of creativity, you’ll be able to uncover the solution and move one step closer to completing the crossword puzzle.

So, grab a pencil and your favorite crossword grid, and get ready to unravel the mystery behind this clever clue. Happy puzzling!
Old athlete running backwards in US, New Orleans (5)

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: –Cryptic crossword No 29,319
Cryptic crossword No 29,319