Sign outside a new store, or what the first words of 18-, 24-, 52-, and 59-Across can do?

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a new challenge? In today’s post, we have an intriguing crossword clue that will test your skills and keep you entertained for hours. This clue revolves around the theme of a sign outside a new store, adding a fun twist to the usual wordplay.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out with crosswords, this clue is sure to pique your interest and get those mental gears turning. So grab your trusty pencil and get ready to tackle this exciting puzzle. Stay tuned as we dive into the details and provide some helpful hints to guide you towards the correct solution.

Let’s sharpen our wits and embark on this exciting crossword-solving journey together. Get ready to decipher the clues, fill in the boxes, and unlock the mystery behind the sign outside a new store. Happy puzzling!
Sign outside a new store, or what the first words of 18-, 24-, 52-, and 59-Across can do?

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Washington Post Crossword Monday, February 12, 2024