With 32-Down, shared equally … and a hint to a word hidden at the center of each starred clue’s answer

Looking for a challenge to test your crossword skills? This crossword clue will have you scratching your head as you try to uncover the hidden word at the center of each starred answer. If you’re a fan of wordplay and enjoy unraveling clever hints, then this puzzle is perfect for you. Get ready to put your thinking cap on and dive into this brain-teasing crossword clue. Can you find the word hidden within each answer that relates to sharing equally? Keep your pen and eraser handy as you work your way through this exciting and challenging crossword puzzle. Good luck, and may the words align in your favor as you solve this intriguing clue!
With 32-Down, shared equally ... and a hint to a word hidden at the center of each starred clue's answer

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Daily Boston Globe Crossword Thursday, 14 March 2024