crossword puzzle clues

Landed on a licorice space in Candy Land, say

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a fun challenge? In today’s puzzle, we have a clue that will test your knowledge of popular board games. This crossword clue revolves around a situation that might occur in the colorful and whimsical world of Candy Land. If you’ve ever played this classic game, you may have encountered the licorice spaces that can hinder a player’s progress. So, put your thinking cap on and see if you can solve this crossword clue related to landing on a licorice space in Candy Land. Stay tuned for the answer at the end of this post!

In the meantime, sharpen your skills, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy the mental workout that this crossword clue will provide. Whether you’re a casual solver or a seasoned pro, there’s nothing quite like the sense of satisfaction that comes from cracking a challenging clue. Happy puzzling!

Available Answers:

Last seen on the crossword puzzle: NY Times Crossword 3 Mar 24, Sunday

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