Light shoes (7)

Are you an avid crossword fan looking for a challenge? In today’s blog post, we have a tantalizing crossword clue that will test your puzzle-solving skills. This seven-letter clue will have you racking your brain as you try to uncover the answer.

Crossword clues are a popular form of entertainment for many, providing a mental workout while also offering a sense of accomplishment when the solution is finally revealed. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this clue is sure to engage and intrigue you.

So grab a pen and some scratch paper, and get ready to dive into the world of crosswords with this intriguing clue. Challenge yourself to think outside the box and see if you can crack the code to find the hidden word that fits the clue. Happy puzzling!
Light shoes (7)

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: Metro Quick Monday, 19 February 2024