School truant in Everton, thus left side (5)

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a challenge? In today’s puzzle, we have a tricky clue that will test your wordplay skills. This crossword clue is sure to keep you on your toes as you try to unravel the hidden word. So grab a pencil and get ready to put your thinking cap on!

Stay tuned as we dive into the depths of this intriguing crossword clue and explore the possibilities it holds. Will you be able to crack the code and unveil the solution? The thrill of solving a crossword clue is unmatched, and with a little perseverance, you’ll be one step closer to completing the puzzle.

Crossword puzzles are a delightful way to unwind and sharpen your mind at the same time. So why not give it a go and see if you can decipher this challenging clue? Happy puzzling!
School truant in Everton, thus left side (5)

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: –Cryptic crossword No 29,343
Cryptic crossword No 29,343
Cryptic crossword No 29,343
Cryptic crossword No 29,343
Cryptic crossword No 29,343