Syrupy covering for ham

Are you passionate about solving crossword clues? In this puzzle, we delve into the culinary world with a clue that might require a sweet tooth to crack. “Syrupy covering for ham” is the challenge that awaits you. Put your thinking cap on and get ready to fill in the boxes with the perfect word that matches this description.

Gather your vocabulary and food knowledge as you attempt to uncover the solution to this savory and sweet mystery. Whether you are an avid crossword enthusiast or just looking for a fun brain-teaser, this clue is sure to test your skills and keep you entertained.

Stay tuned as we provide hints, tips, and the solution to this intriguing “syrupy covering for ham” crossword clue. Get ready to sharpen your pencil, focus your mind, and take on the challenge. Happy crossword solving!
Syrupy covering for ham

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: NY Times Crossword 10 Mar 24, Sunday