Triangular landform at a river mouth (5)

Are you a crossword enthusiast searching for the next challenge to test your word prowess? Look no further! In this blog post, we will unravel a fascinating crossword clue that will leave you scratching your head in wonder.

Get ready to dive into the realm of cryptic clues with this particular puzzle that will unveil a five-letter term related to a triangular landform often found at a river mouth. Whether you are a novice solver or a seasoned crossword veteran, this clue is sure to tantalize your linguistic senses and spark your curiosity.

Stay tuned as we dissect the nuances of this intriguing crossword clue, exploring its hidden meanings and unraveling the mystery behind the solution. Sharpen your pencils, engage your brain, and prepare to embark on a captivating journey through the realm of crosswords as we delve into this enigmatic clue. Get ready to exercise your mental muscles and unlock the secrets of this captivating puzzle.
Triangular landform at a river mouth (5)

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: –Quick crossword No 16,816
Quick crossword No 16,816