Breaking plates for bread, say (6)

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a challenge? In this post, we will tackle a crossword clue that might leave you scratching your head. This clue is six letters long and will test your vocabulary and problem-solving skills.

Crossword clues can vary in difficulty, and this particular clue might require some creative thinking. Whether you’re a seasoned puzzler or a novice looking to improve your skills, solving crossword puzzles can be a fun and engaging way to exercise your brain.

So grab a pen and paper, or fire up your favorite crossword app, and get ready to unravel the mystery behind this clue. Remember, the beauty of crossword puzzles lies in their ability to captivate and challenge us.

Stay tuned as we dive into dissecting this intriguing crossword clue and uncovering the solution together. Happy puzzling!
Breaking plates for bread, say (6)

Available Answers:


Last seen on the crossword puzzle: –Cryptic crossword No 29,351
Cryptic crossword No 29,351