Manifestation of the abstract (6)

Crossword Clue: Manifestation of the abstract (6)

Crosswords are a great way to exercise your brain and expand your vocabulary. They can also be a lot of fun, especially when you’re able to solve a particularly challenging clue. If you’re ever stuck on a crossword clue, don’t be afraid to look it up online or ask a friend for help. There are also many resources available to help you learn more about crossword puzzles, such as books, websites, and even apps.

One of the most challenging types of crossword clues is the abstract clue. These clues often require you to think outside the box and come up with a creative answer. For example, the clue “Manifestation of the abstract” could refer to a number of different things, such as a painting, a sculpture, or even a dance performance.

To solve this clue, you need to think about what the word “abstract” means. Abstract means something that is not concrete or real. It can also refer to something that is difficult to understand or describe. With this in mind, you can start to think about what kinds of things could be considered a “manifestation of the abstract.”

One possibility is a painting. A painting is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. It is therefore an abstract representation of reality. Another possibility is a sculpture. A sculpture is a three-dimensional representation of an object. However, it is still an abstract representation, as it is not the actual object itself.

Finally, you could also consider a dance performance to be a “manifestation of the abstract.” A dance performance is a series of movements that are designed to express an idea or emotion. It is therefore an abstract representation of a thought or feeling.

Ultimately, the answer to this crossword clue is up to you. There is no one right answer. The important thing is to come up with an answer that makes sense to you and that fits the clue.

Here are some additional tips for solving crossword puzzles:

Read the clue carefully. Make sure you understand what the clue is asking for.

Look for key words in the clue. These words can help you narrow down your answer.

Don’t be afraid to guess. If you can’t come up with an answer right away, don’t be afraid to guess. You can always change your answer later if you find a better one.

Use a crossword solver. If you’re really stuck, you can always use a crossword solver to help you find the answer.
Manifestation of the abstract (6)

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Quick crossword No 16,846