Man’s name that becomes a distance if you move the first letter to the end

Are you a crossword enthusiast looking for a new challenge? Today we have a tricky clue that will test your wordplay skills. This crossword clue involves a man’s name that surprisingly transforms into a unit of distance simply by moving the first letter to the end. It’s a clever play on words that will have you thinking outside the box.

If you enjoy word games and puzzles, this clue is sure to pique your interest. Solving crossword clues like this one can be a fun and rewarding way to exercise your mind and expand your vocabulary. So grab a pencil and get ready to decipher this clever wordplay to fill in the blank squares of your crossword grid.

Can you crack the code and figure out the answer to this intriguing clue? Put your thinking cap on and see if you can uncover the hidden word that connects a man’s name to a unit of distance. Happy puzzling!
Man’s name that becomes a distance if you move the first letter to the end

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Last seen on the crossword puzzle: NY Times Crossword 25 Feb 24, Sunday